Well, I suppose it might be best to start out with a little history. I am mid-50's years old, trained in electronics and have played with computers since 1971 (That's pre-PC). I'm a ham radio buff, ABØDP and do Geocaching for fun. I am retired from the company: Rockwell Collins. Well actually, I am disabled. I still have a job, I just can't go work there. It is strange. I have spent over 30 years servicing electronics, and over 22 years of that at Collins. I am married, with four grown children and one grandchild.
My first web site was way back in about 1995. And I've had several since, for different reasons. Mainly because I just like writing. You will likely see references to that site: ksguy.com
I think most of this blog will be about my techie exploits. So, what's up with them? The current web site of course, ksguy.com. There I've done some family photo stuff, and a page about Kansas history. More recently I've let ham radio slide as I work on my social networking geekyness (Twitter, Flickr, Face Book, AIM and a lot of Google goodness).
And THAT has lead to a new Android smart phone. So I've ALSO been playing with reviews of phones, apps, hints and such. Yes, I'm staying busy. Now, the reviews have been slow to post on the web site, partly because I'm still learning the Android OS. THAT got me to thinking that maybe I'm using the wrong tools for that vein of thought. So here I am trying out this blog. We'll see.